Abstract-Alif Husnul Fikri


Title: Estimating Masses of Galaxy Clusters from Automated Analysis of Chandra X-Ray ACIS Data

Authors: Alif Husnul Fikri, Hesti Retno Tri Wulandari, Kiki Vierdayanti, Annisa Novia Indra Putri and Dhimaz Ghilang Ramadhan

Keywords: Galaxy Cluster, X-ray, Chandra Satellite

Content: Clusters of galaxies are commonly used in constraining cosmological parameters. Mass is a physical yet not observable parameter that should be estimated for this purpose. Masses of galaxy clusters can be determined from the density and temperature profiles of the hot intracluster medium (ICM) in the clusters, which is observable in X-rays.

It takes a series of data processing to obtain density and temperature profiles of the ICM. Chandra scripts are available for most of these purposes, still some processes should be done ‘by hands’ and therefore are quite tedious and time consuming, especially if we have to work with many clusters. In this work we developed a script to automate the processes, to make data processing easier and
faster. The automation script uses a standard reducing data process from Chandra, extracting spectrum from data, and simultaneously fit the spectra of multiple observations while performing the deprojection process. We report here mass determination of 5 relaxed galaxy clusters using Chandra X-ray ACIS data. To improve the statistics, especially in spectrum fitting, we analyzed multiple observations data for each cluster. We found that the results are in a good agreement with
other mass determinations. Analyzing more clusters and use it for cosmological purposes is underway.